Subject: Engineering
Scope/Overview of Curriculum: Student will learn to use real tools, blueprints and 3/8 inch basswood sticks to build scaled model structures. Student will learn construction terminology. Student will understand how a design plan converts to a finished product. Student will develop an appreciation of the design process when developing new products.
Sequence/Method of Teaching/Lessons:
- Student will follow online curriculum videos on proper set-up and use of tools and materials.
- Student will follow online curriculum videos to build a practice piece.
- Student will follow online curriculum videos in the order they are presented to build a scaled model house.
- Student will follow online curriculum videos in the order they are presented to build scaled model furniture, a windmill, a bridge and a barn.
Materials Needed: The Hands 4 Building miter box, hobby saw, C clamps, basswood sticks, blueprints, foam core board, wax paper, pins, cardboard triangles, spring clamps and glue to build the scaled model house project are included in the Engineering 4 Kids & Teens Starter Kit. Additional consumable materials and blueprints to build scaled model furniture, a windmill, a barn and a bridge are included in Hands 4 Building Add-On Project Packs. Engineering 4 Kids & Teens Refill Packs provide additional basswood sticks.
How Materials Are Used: Student will secure the (blueprint) for the side of the structure they are building to the (foam core board) with (pins) and cover the (blueprint) with (wax paper). Student will use the tools (miter box, hobby saw, C clamps) to saw each piece of (basswood sticks) that have been measured to the correct size and angle on the (blueprint). Student will build one side of a structure at a time by securing each measured and cut piece of basswood to their (blueprint) with (pins) and securing each joint with (glue). Student will reinforce each joint with a (cardboard triangle). When individual sides of the model are complete, (spring clamps) are used to assemble the structure and hold the model together while drying.
Online curriculum videos guarantee success!
Furniture Instructions
Click here for dining table
Click here for bench
Click here for work bench
Click here for bunk bed
Click here for single bed
Subject: Engineering
Scope/Overview of Curriculum: Student will learn to use real tools, blueprints and 3/8 inch basswood strips to build two-dimensional geometric shapes and three-dimensional vehicle projects. Student will understand geometric angles and their relationship to shapes. Student will understand how a design plan converts to a finished product. Student will develop an appreciation of the design process when developing new products.
Sequence/Method of Teaching/Lessons:
- Student will follow online curriculum on proper set-up and use of tools and materials.
- Student will follow online curriculum to build practice geometric shapes.
- Student will follow online curriculum in the order it is presented to build a sailboat, airplane, helicopter and truck.
Materials Needed: The Hands 4 Building miter box, hobby saw, C clamps, basswood strips, blueprints, foam core board, wax paper, pins, vehicle bases, and glue to build geometric shapes and vehicle projects are included in the Engineering 4 Little Hands Starter Kit. Little Hands Refill Packs provide additional basswood strips and vehicle bases.
How Materials Are Used: Students will secure the (blueprint) for the vehicle they are building to the (foam core board) with (pins) and cover the (blueprint) with (wax paper). Students will use the included tools (miter box, hobby saw, C clamps) to saw included (basswood strips) that have been measured to the correct length and angle on the (blueprint). Students will build each geometric shape required for a vehicle by securing each measured and cut piece of (basswood strips) on their (blueprint) with (pins) and securing each joint with (glue). When the geometric shapes are dry, students will (glue) the shapes to the appropriate (vehicle base) to create a sailboat, airplane, helicopter and truck.
Online Curriculum:
Set up your Hands 4 Building Workshop and build geometric shapes.
Build vehicle projects; airplane, helicopter, sailboat and truck.
LH Curriculum

K & T Curriculum